Health & Safety Program
The Kirkwood Community Association has “community” in its name. That’s why, as we navigate these new and interesting times in 2020/2021, we are continually evaluating every aspect of our operations and taking steps to strengthen employee, member, and guest safety. We’ve developed THE KCA CARES Health & Safety Program for this reason. This program is outlined for you below. Please use this as a resource to understand the practices we have in place and understand that we will be continually monitoring both the requirements of delivering a safe experience as well as the very best practices to do so. We look forward to welcoming you to The KCA Club and appreciate your support as we move through this piece of our shared history.
Public health guidance can change quickly, which may impact hours of operation, occupancy within the facility and each of its amenities, as well as the availability of amenities.
We’ve Never Been More Ready To Welcome You
The focus of the KCA Board of Directors and Management is to provide a welcoming space for members to relax and enjoy while taking in the spectacular seasonal view of the mountain during the summer and winter months. The KCA strives to provide its members and their guests with the finest services, benefits, and amenities while fostering a sense of community and being fiscally responsible.
As we navigate Covid-19 in these unique and challenging times, the KCA Board, management, and staff are first and foremost focused on member, guest, and staff safety. Safety considerations are paramount and override all other decisions as we plan club operations.
The KCA Club facility has been modified to include appropriate physical distancing requirements, establishing time periods for amenity use, establishing the number of people from a household that can use an amenity option at a given time, training staff to perform proper sanitization, and designing pedestrian ingress and egress pathways from the various areas of the facility. Each modification is intended to reduce the possible spread of Covid-19. KCA management and staff have the final say on operational and safety matters. Please comply with any requests to help ensure the safety of all.
What To Expect When You Visit
• The KCA Club team will be following CDC guidelines and wearing any required protective equipment. Please know that we are smiling when we welcome you back to the facility.
• Our entire staff will be operating under social distancing measures and in accordance with the health and safety standards set by the CDC, as well as, the State of California and Alpine County Public Health directives.
• Staff will regularly inspect and disinfect the bathrooms, sanitize door handles, surfaces, and equipment.
• To help maintain social distancing in the indoor areas such as the lounge and the café areas, we will be using stanchions to separate household tables. This will provide a boundary that defines the seating area for each household group.
• Hand sanitizing stations are provided throughout the facility. We encourage you to use them for your safety and those around you.
• Certain amenities will not be available for use. You will also notice that some furnishings have been removed.
How You Can Help Us To Help You!
Simply stated: Wear a mask as required, wash your hands, keep your distance, stay home if you are sick, and minimize exposure.
• Members coming to the facility are reminded to take personal responsibility and exercise common sense to help reduce the spread of the virus. This means:
- Wear a mask as required (except when eating, drinking, actively exercising, or swimming),
- Maintain a physical distance from a non-household member,
- Stay within your household group and do not interact with other non-household members,
- Avoid any large gatherings of people,
- Wash your hands or sanitize frequently,
- If you feel ill, (whether with Covid-19 symptoms or other symptoms), exercise personal responsibility and choose to stay at home,
- Parents are responsible for enforcing the rules and explaining appropriate conduct to their children.
• Members and guests are required to sign a Terms of Use Waiver for their household and to complete an Attendee Profile form for all members of the household to include the date and time of use for each visit. This information is necessary should we have a need to contact members in your household.
• The KCA Club will require members to follow a series of procedures, time limits on amenity use, and rules for using the facility. The following rules were adopted by the KCA Board as emergency health and safety rules for general and pool use (in early July) and gym use (in early September). These rules are in addition to all KCA rules and regulations currently in place (which can be found HERE). Updated Covid-19 Emergency Health and Safety Rules were approved by the Board on 11-18-20 and can be reviewed by clicking HERE.
• Members may be required to make reservations to use each of the various amenity offerings. A single reservation does not give you access to all the club amenities, just the amenity(ies) you reserve. Walk-ins will be allowed, subject to space availability. Reservations have priority and it is suggested you reserve amenity space in advance. There are amenity restrictions on time of use, the number of people in a household allowed to enter the facility at a single time, required signing of a “terms of use waiver” for Member households and a requirement for separate signed waivers by guest households, occupancy restrictions for each amenity, Covid-19 operations procedures and protocols. Many of the amenities are restricted to single household use, per session.
Working With Experts
We will continue to adopt appropriate sanitizing measures as prescribed by the CDC and the office of the Governor of the State of California ( found at www.covid19.ca.gov) and Alpine County Public Health officials (www.alpinecounty.ca.gov). We closely monitor public health policy changes, CDC guidelines, government mandates, and local public health notices, and will enact changes as necessary and appropriate to the KCA Club facility operations.
By following best pubic health practices and the KCA Club Covid-19 Emergency Health and Safety Rules, we anticipate that members will be able to enjoy the Club facility during the winter season. The State of California has continued to change and update the protocols pertaining to Covid-19 restrictions. The KCA Club is in Alpine County, CA and now grouped with The Greater Sacramento Regional Orders. At any time we ask you to be flexible and understanding of any modifications to the occupancy and availability of amenity offerings.